Dubai Expo Vehicle Rotating Platform (RP)

A rotating platform (RP) is a composition consisting of two welded frames – a fixed and a rotating frame.  This product aims to ensure that the vehicle passes through the door that is 30cm narrower than the vehicle width.

The process of using the RP is based on operations of placing the vehicle on the platform, then lifting and folding with the trolley. Afterward, the platform rotates with the vehicle on it for about 75°  horizontally, while ensuring safety in all positions, passes through the doors, lowers down the vehicle and the rotating platform to the ground, and enables easy transfer from the platform to the luxurious exhibition podium via sliding plates which the product provides. The product’s main systems are two trolley carts, the main rotation platform, sliding plates, and platform ramps.

The main challenges in this project were to make the structure durable and strong, yet well optimized to fit the maximum load capacity of the forklift. Another one of the challenges was of technological nature because the length of the platform was 6.0m and it needed to be powder coated, but the biggest part that could fit into the coating box was 2,5m. The solution was to split the rotating platform into three parts, powder coat them separately, and then assemble them all together.

As bending and deformations of the platform are increased at high temperatures, we added and optimized a few safety features and bolt connections. That required some Thermal and FEM analysis which later led to minor optimizations in the structure and assembling process. While designing, thermal influence on deformation was included for a 6 meters long platform and 50°C ambient temperature.  FEM Analysis & Structural Bolts Strength Calculations were done in cases for rotation up to 45° and 75°. The final test has been conducted by loading a real vehicle on the top of the platform in order to simulate the process and measure the platform’s real deformations. With good planning, optimal design, and 70 pages of detailed user’s guide, the product has achieved the target level of safety needed, and operational precision. Customers gained the possibility to set the car perfectly smoothly into the exhibition pavilion. Due to the short deadline, full process development and production with delivery were done in only 40 days!

Services provided

  • Concept Design and Developing
  • FEM and thermal analysis
  • Standard Components Arranging and  Purchasing
  • Fixture Assembling
  • Fixture Testing
  • User Manual creation
  • Fixture shipment and delivery
  • Organization and assistance during operation on-site in Dubai

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