Rear cooling pumps carrier fixture
A tool for pre-assembling components on a carbon plate, which is then raised to the car mounting position by means of an electric actuator.
Mirror standing fixture
A tool for assembling the car rearview mirror in the sitting position of the operator.
Battery package transportation interface fixture
Multipurpose fixture for transporting the car battery package. The fixture allows the battery package to be fixed on the lower interface and transported inside, or outside the hall, with a forklift or crane.
Rear clip transportation fixture
Fixture for transporting rear clip of a car inside the hall on a lower interface and in and out of the hall in a sandwich (as with the previous construction). Handling can be performed with the help of a forklift.
Tunnel console assembly fixture
Car tunnel console assembly tool.
Steering wheel assembly fixture
Car steering wheel and related internal components assembling tool.
Front power train fixture
Tool for positioning and installing the front power train on the car. The fixture is planned to be manipulated with the help of a “Rode” crane with a hook.
Side duct covers assembly fixture
Tool for assembling side duct covers and their internal electronic components.
Rotational platform for car transportation
Bringing cars to the exhibition pavilion and their placement on the exhibition podium
Compact Kit
The ultra-luxurious showroom item built to enhance the world’s fastest electric supercar buying experience.